Wednesday, February 16, 2022

2/16 Common Art VR Sprint

 For this sprint, I worked on getting the final interaction by shooting emmi in the head working to trigger the menu and the menu taking you to the right locations. As well as putting the hud on the players vision so its not obstructed and blurry.

I am currently working on the animation for Emmi, as it crawls across the windows outside triggering after a certain condition is met.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Common Art VR Spring Sprint 2 post

 For this sprint I had a few tasks to help with the flow of the game, such as fading in text explaining the situation you are in, adding the ending, and ending credits and menu

Final Common Art Submission

 For the final submission, I finished my wall crawl animation jumpscare and have the vfx from the eye socket implemented. I also worked on g...