Wednesday, April 20, 2022

4/21 VR Sprint update

 For this sprint I started work on the idle animation for Emmi, as well as the turns for the walk while it is outside of the player room roaming. The goal with these is for it to be appearing to scan and searching for the player before it triggers to be coming closer rather than just walking in a straight line.

This sprint i also completed making the widgets for the text that ADAM says to the player and it was implemented into the HUD.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

4/6 VR Update

 For this update, I did mostly fixing and trying to get rid of bugs and mistakes with the HUD. I created new HUD elements that are subtitled to follow what ADAM is saying to you as the player in the 3 moments of the game. Also I was helping to fix issues with the HUD displaying properly and the various bugs and issues that were arising from doing such a thing. Displaying the HUD in vr presents its own challenge as it has to be a 3d object essentially even if its 2d.

Final Common Art Submission

 For the final submission, I finished my wall crawl animation jumpscare and have the vfx from the eye socket implemented. I also worked on g...