Thursday, September 30, 2021

Common Art Composition HW

My Composition:

Sparth References:


This homework for Common Art is to create a composition and referencing/emulating an artist of our choice. I chose Sparth, known for his concept art for the Halo franchise. He uses alot of futuristic/scifi designs, circular shapes and a lot of radii style compositions.

For this assignment I decided to make a portal in a city, with similar layout and color choices that is used by Sparth, while doing a Radii composition.

Monday, September 27, 2021

3D Art Crate Homework Pass 01


This assignment I decided to do a Mimic in the style of Dragon Quest. For my proxy I placed teeth as place holders and other objects to show a more complete style. But in Zbrush i intend to create the fleshy living pieces on the inside using sculpting.

This is the high def mesh id like to bring into zbrush for scultiping

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Common Art Lighting Homework



This assignment was to create a 3 point lighting scene in unreal then use that image as a reference for digital painting. Im still fairly new at digital painting and getting the hang of doing it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

3d Art HW4

 Currently my project is incomplete, I was unable to get to the camera rotation part of the homework assignment as of the due time.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Common Art Values and Contrast Homework


This weeks homework assignment was to show value and contrast in a line work image. For this assignment I decided to use the alien in the spacesuit, I am really new to doing things like contrasting and value by hand for 2d and it was really fun to try to get this to look as 3d as possible. I learned alot by messing around with smudging, and blending the darks and lights.

Monday, September 13, 2021

3D homework Week 3


This weeks homework was learning how to setup a hierarchy in Maya, as well as setting up materials and emissive materials in UE5.This homework also had us start the beginnings of our 3d simple shapes collage that will eventually be brought into unreal and animated. I had the idea of making a double helix object, and some interesting shaped triangle/pyramids. The smaller ones will orbit spheres that will emit light, and the larger will spin and rotate as well. I want to roll balls down the helix inside the cylinder as well.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Common Art W2 HW Thumbnails/Silhouettes


This weeks assignment was to create a sheet of thumbnails and silhouettes from an existing story/world. I chose the Legend of Zelda world, and decided to redesign the Master Sword, Link's famous weapon. This exercise was pretty tough for me, im not the best at drawing and wasnt sure exactly how to pull it off. My favorites are the cutlass, the swordbreaker, and the katana style swords. Those look really good as silhouettes. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Module 1 Week 02 Homework


For this assignment we had to watch 3 videos explaining various types of topography in Maya. First we created a scorpion tale shape out of transform evolving duplicates, then was creating a sphere out of a cube then using that and a sphere to create a perfect sphere with transferable geometry. After that was learning multiple ways to create good topography for smoothing a hard surface. To top off the homework we were given a robot, then told to kitbash the robot. I created a battle bot, with wings/booster, sword arm, an arm with a blaster cannon, and a lazer beam focus on the forehead. the body was given armor and the head made more aggressive and aerodynamic.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Common Art HW 1 Basic Shape Monsters


For this project I decided to use a running theme of food. For circle i decided on making an evil meatball monster that is like a messed up Mr. Potato Head. He attacks with his vines of pasta wrapped around him. For the square monster, I decided to create a Mimic, out of a pizza box. Mimics are known to be tricky and hard creatures in the various media they are in and I felt it fit the square theme perfectly. For triangle, I obviously had to do an evil Pizza monster. He was the first one I created and kind of made me lean into the theme of food. I had fun designing these, even though I am not very good at drawing.

Final Common Art Submission

 For the final submission, I finished my wall crawl animation jumpscare and have the vfx from the eye socket implemented. I also worked on g...